Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chemists Use The Definition Of A Wash Bottle

Chemists Use The Definition Of A Wash BottleChemists can identify the structure of a wash bottle. They know the physical and chemical properties of the components in a wash bottle. Therefore, they can determine if the wash bottle meets the regulatory requirements in most jurisdictions. They know the risks associated with using a wash bottle.Chemists define the wash bottle using specific parameters. There are three definitions of this type of bottle: the common or initial definition, the water dilution formulation, and the dial or intermediate definition. The definition varies according to the particular jurisdiction. Chemists use the latter definition to create solutions and then validate the results. An example of a dial formulation would be where a solution is diluted to a specific gravity.Each definition has its own advantages and disadvantages. A common definition allows the chemist to have a general understanding of what a wash bottle is and also what the application for it will be. It allows the chemist to understand the chemical properties of the compounds that will be present in the formulation. In contrast, the water dilution formulation offers a more detailed description of the compounds that may be present.Washing is an extremely important practice. Without washing, we would not drink our coffee. Without drinking our coffee, we would not have the opportunity to enjoy many wonderful benefits. Therefore, we need to understand the various components in a washing agent. Because the washing agent is one of the most important components in the formulation, it needs to be able to function properly. The chemistry that controls the functioning of the washing agent is important to all aspects of the product.The common definition refers to a glass vessel that contains cleaning agent. The vessel is filled with a substance that cleans the glass. The glass vessel must be consistent in size and shape. It must have an appropriate internal volume.It must not overflow and must have a sufficiently large interior surface area to provide a good contact surface for the chemical agent.The dilution formulation is the storage container for the cleaning agent. It must be a glass vessel that is filled with a suitable solution that contains cleaning agent. The container should have a sufficiently large interior surface area to provide a good contact surface for the chemical agent. It should not overflow, must be long and slender, and must have an appropriate volume of cleaning agent.The dial formulation is a small glass vessel that contains the washing agent. It can be stored in the freezer and is frequently used by chemists. It must be smaller than the common definition and can be stored in a freezer and is often used by chemists. It must have a sufficiently large interior surface area to provide a good contact surface for the chemical agent. It cannot overflow or have a volume of washing agent greater than the common definition.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Should Your Child Go Gluten Free to Treat ADHD

Should Your Child Go Gluten Free to Treat ADHD What the research tells us about gluten-free diets and ADHD Symptoms Parents of kids with ADHD are constantly faced with an array of treatment options including medication, various behavioral interventions, and dietary recommendations. In recent years there has been a lot of buzz about the use of a gluten-free diet to treat a wide range of physical and cognitive problems, including ADHD. In posts and comments online, some parents describe huge improvements in their child's ADHD symptoms after eliminating gluten from their diet. And some pediatricians and nutritionists recommend a gluten free diet as part of a childs ADHD treatment plan. For a chronic condition like ADHD, the thought that a dietary change could eliminate symptoms altogether is highly appealing. However, removing gluten from a childs diet is a substantial undertaking, and one that can be stressful and exhausting for both parents and kids. Before making any major changes to your childs diet, it's important to know what research findings tell us about the likelihood that a gluten-free die t will be an effective ADHD treatment option. What is Gluten?Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley and is present in bread and pasta, as well as many rice products and processed foods present in the typical American diet. For individuals with celiac disease (about 1% of American's1) eating gluten causes severe health problems including malnutrition, gastro-intestinal symptoms, and abdominal pain. Where did the idea of a Gluten ADHD connection come from? In addition to malnutrition, abdominal pain, and gastro-intestinal symptoms, untreated Celiac disease is also associated with attention problems and behavioral issues. So, children with either undiagnosed or poorly managed Celiac disease may display ADHD-like symptoms. Some may even initially receive an incorrect diagnosis of ADHD. For these children, once the underlying problem is appropriately treated, and gluten is completely removed from a child's diet, attention and behavior problems improve dramatically and may even remit completely. In recent years, some doctors and nutritionists have suggested that a substantial minority of the population experiences non-celiac gluten sensitivity. It is thought that people in this group don't experience the severe gluten reaction found in celiac disease, but experience a milder reaction that contributes to weight gain, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and memory problems (among other symptoms). Most often, when doctors, nutritionists, and parents of kids with ADHD talk about gluten, they are usually focused on underlying gluten sensitivity rather than Celiac disease. What does the research say? A number of research studies have examined the impact of a gluten-free diet on ADHD symptoms in individuals who had confirmed ADHD diagnoses. Across the board, removing gluten from a child's diet had no clinically significant impact on ADHD symptoms. In other studies of children with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, attention and behavior issues did improve when gluten was eliminated from the childs diet. However, these children did not have ADHD, they had attention and behavior problems secondary to their medical condition. The Bottom Line: Many parents are willing to go through the very difficult process of systematically eliminating gluten from their child's diet in the hope that it will lead to big improvements in the child's ADHD symptoms. If a child has celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity (which is typically associated with some physical discomfort such as bloating, stomach pain, headaches, excessive fatigue, etc.), then the ADHD symptoms may be caused by the medical condition and eliminating gluten from the childs diet will have a significant impact. If a child does not have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, then switching to a gluten-free diet will not lead to a significant improvement in ADHD symptoms. If you would like to try a gluten-free diet with your child, talk to your childs pediatrician and/or a nutritionist about strategies for making the dietary changes as simple and stress-free as possible. 1Fasano et. al. (2003). A multi-center study on the sero-prevalence of celiac disease in the United States among both at risk and not at-risk groups. Archives of Internal Medicine, 163, 283-92. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

15 of the Best Foreign Movies for Popcorn-popping Language Learners

15 of the Best Foreign Movies for Popcorn-popping Language Learners 15 of the Best Foreign Movies for Popcorn-popping Language Learners Wanna learn a language?Yes?  Okay, good.So heres what you need: Your pajamas (preferably fresh), that bowl of steaming popcorn and a couple of sodas.Say what?!Yup, were talking movies in this post.No matter who you are, you can learn any language  faster by  spending some time in front of a screen.So I invite you couch potatoes and studious studiers alike to read on. The Polyglot and the Couch Potato: How Movies Help in Learning a LanguageTogether with TV, movies have gotten a bad rap when it comes to learning a new language, and learning in general. Weve often been told to turn off the set, stop wasting our time and get serious with whatever task were supposed to be working on.But maybe movies arent as bad as theyre made out to be. In fact, Id be so bold as to tell you that a couch potato has just as good a chance of being a polyglot  as the most hardworking learner.Im only gonna talk about one thing to support that argument: context.This is probably the most compelling reason for why movies are effective and efficient teachers of language. Its also one of the reasons why a list of vocabulary words randomly picked from thin air will never be as easy to memorize as a group of words that are clearly related.Our brains work best with meaningful context and we find it hard to memorize words that exist in a vacuum. Thats why teachers enrich vocabulary words with example sentences. They seek to give them context. Thats why textbooks list plenty of examples, too. So we can see how words, phrases and grammar rules look in action.Meanwhile, all-important context is automatically present in movies through engaging plots, unexpected twists, lovable characters, funny scenes, killer lines and immersive musical scores. These are all aids for committing stuff to memory, like lines and even entire dialogues. If I asked you who screamed Im the king of the wooooooorld! Wooohoo, Im sure youd remember Leo DiCaprio in Titanic.And even if youre an absolute beginner in Spanish, if you see the movie Y Tu Mamá También  (And Your Mother Too) and the context in which the line in the title is said, I promise you, you will never forget what those words mean.So once again, context. Its this that movies offer best. No medium plays with our emotions better. We remember the scenes, we remember what happened, we get moved by the characters, we become involved in the story. Movies make us cry and laugh. They make us feel anger, discontent, pity, even hatred. They surprise us and satisfy us. They take us on unforgettable rollercoaster rides.Unforgettable context. That’s what movies have to offer. And when you watch foreign films, youre that much nearer to transferring meaningful language information into your long-term memory.Note that when I say watch, I dont mean doing so passively. Well, maybe the first time, but you dont watch a movie once and then check the title off your list of foreign movies to see. No, you actively watch it, many times. Looking at scenes, li stening to lines, anticipating dialogues, writing down vocabulary. This is the kind of active watching that milks every lesson from the filmâ€"every point of grammar, every useful vocabulary word, every turn of phrase, every flail of the tongue.With FluentU, you can make this incredibly beneficial type of active study the mainstay of your language learning. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.Okay. That said, lets get to our list of 15 awesome foreign movies for all you language learners.15 of the Best Foreign Movies for Popcorn-popping Language LearnersFrench-language Movies1.  Entre les murs  (The Class, 2008)What do you get when you have a well-intentioned but honest teacher and a cocktail of 14-15 year olds who come from racially and culturally diverse backgrounds?You get electric tension. You get an inherently difficult class boldly questioning its teachers met hods. And you get a teacher pushed to his ethical limits. This film, winner of the Cannes Festivals 2008 Palme dOr, is based on the novel of the same name by François Bégaudeau (who, by the way, plays the role of the teacher himself).This film is perfect for the French language learner if only for the fact that it features a class studying French. Theres even a scene in which students question the need to study difficult and eccentric French verbs, reasoning that theyre rarely used in modern speech. You may not be a teenager yourself, but youll certainly see yourself in this story that touches on the ups and downs of learning something new and out of your comfort zone.2.  Intouchables (The Intouchables, 2011)This movie is about an unlikely friendship between Philippe, an aristocratic quadriplegic, and Driss, his carefree live-in caregiverâ€"a transplant from Senegal.Philippe is in his Parisian mansion interviewing for the caregiver position with the help of his assistant Magalie. Driss comes in for the interview, not really intent on getting hired, but wanting his papers signed so he can continue collecting his unemployment benefits. One thing leads to another and Driss finds himself hired. The lavish mansion with Renaissance paintings is a far cry from Drisss familys petite and bleak apartment.The film is a linguistic juxtaposition between Philippe, the refined and formal speaker, and Driss, the more vulgar of the two. Notice the interactions between them and the type of vocabulary and accent each character has. Take note also of the words and phrases Driss uses when talking to his family and realize how context can illuminate linguistic content.  3.  Bienvenue chez les Chtis (Welcome to the Sticks, 2008)Imagine a Frenchman not understanding a fellow Frenchman. Possible?Theres such a scene in the comedy Bienvenue chez les Chtis. The film is about a post office administrator in Salon-de-Provence who gets banished to the French Northâ€"a place pre-judged by S outherners as being cold, unwelcoming and full of good-for-nothing alcoholics.In his desire to have a post office assignment in the French Riviera, Philippe tries to scam an HR officer by pretending to be disabled. When he gets caught in this ruse, he gets an armpit of an assignment to the Siberia of France instead.In this movie, youll see how geography changes language, idiomatic expressions and even curse words. Yep, even when one doesnt cross national boundaries. Also, this funny film  will help shed your linguistic and cultural biases. It teaches language learners all over that underneath accents and differences in pronunciation, were all in the same boat.German-language Movies4.  Der Untergang (Downfall, 2004)Der Untergang chronicles Hitlers final days of life, telling the final moments of his human struggles. Remember when I told you earlier that one of the advantages of movies is that they create memorable context to words and phrases that ultimately aid memory? This film is one of the most memorable there is. And all for the most gruesome reasons.It depicts death, destruction and destinyâ€"as well as betrayal, bombs and bunkers. The movie is emotionally engaging, triggering all sorts of reactions from anger to exuberance, which is one of the reasons why its very good for the German language learner. And because you already know whats about to happen, you tend to focus more on the languageâ€"which, by the way, has a robust sprinkling of German verbs.5.  Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others, 2006)This movie won the Best Foreign Language Film at the 2006 Academy Awards.It tells the story of an East Berlin Stasi (secret police) agent conducting surveillance activities on a playwright and his actress lover. The agent, Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler, obsessed with his subjects lives, chronicles their comings and goings. Hes too involved to notice that he isnt just some passive observer listening to the conversations of others but an active participant in their lives.Beyond the plot twists and touching ending, I want you to see this movie as an example of one of the most important skills in learning a new language: listening.Its the most taken-for-granted linguistic skill, and I want you to not make the mistake so many others have of ignoring it: See how Wiesler actively listens to conversations. See how he closely grasps not just for the words, but for intent and context. This is listening beyond words. Its listening for comprehension. Its not far off from  achieving language immersion.This is the level of listening required of a language learner. Without it, becoming fluent in a new language will be a needlessly uphill battle.6. Good Bye Lenin! (2003)Imagine youre Alex Kerner, an idealistic teen whose arrest by the Berlin police put your mother into a coma. When she eventually wakes up after eight months, the world is a whole lot different. The wall has come down and the world your mother loved is no more.Youve been warned by the doctor that the slightest agitation of her emotions could cause her death. Would you tell her Berlin is not the same as before?Alex chooses to recreate the past world in his mothers room. Maintaining this ruse is what makes this tragicomedy a hit and a fresh approach to German history.How long will the facade last? Watch to find out.Now, imagine yourself being in the role of Alexs mother. Consider how being open-minded and going with the flow will not only save your life but enrich your existence. While the film features the Western world marching towards East Germanyâ€"stuffing grocery aisles with Western brands and filling billboards with Coca-Cola advertisementsâ€"in reality, the flow goes both ways. We influence just as much as we get influenced.Today, our global village has made it necessary for us not just to learn new languages, but to adapt to a whole new way of looking at things.In the  near  future, only those who adapt will truly flourish. So why dont you start learning (a new language) now?Spanish-language Movies7.  Y Tu Mamá También (And Your Mother Too, 2001)This is a coming-of-age road trip movie depicting friendship, sensuality and the follies of youth. Julio and Tenoch are on a long drive with an older lady named Luisa. They are supposedly going to Boca del Cielo (Heavens Mouth), a beach they mention to persuade Luisa to come with them.Along the way, youth happens.The conversations between the three are casual, effusive, oftentimes funny and many times unbelievable. Although a little intoxicated, the dialogues are tight and the writing superb. The interactions in the film are indicative of the banter, the to-and-fro amongst friends, and this makes for excellent study for the Spanish language learner. If you want to converse fluently in Spanish, let movies like this be your guide.8.  El secreto de sus ojos (The Secret in Their Eyes, 2009)This film, a crime thriller, won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.A newly-retired federal agent, Benjamà ­n Espósito (Ricardo Darín), has a lot of time on his hands. He decides to write a novel about the murder of a young woman. Except the case  is real. Its 25 years old and one of the unsolved mysteries of his professional career, something he seeks to obtain closure from.But as it turns out, closure is hard to find, and it may come in a form one could never expect.The whole film is really an insight into what immersion is all about. Ricardo Daríns character is totally immersed in his case. Hes so tuned into it that it occupies a great slice of his waking hours. Solving it is a daily practice with effort put in. He consciously follows leads, goes places, talks to people, imagines scenarios, makes mistakes, pays for those mistakes and tries again.In a way, isnt that also what language immersion should be about? Its about being tuned in, putting ones head underwater and really immersing in the languageâ€"practicing the lines aloud, writing the sentences, talking to others, asking peo ple questions, asking for their help, even talking to yourself.In the end, we language learners, like Daríns character, will all find our souls satisfaction.9.  Como agua para chocolate  (Like Water for Chocolate, 1992)When you forbid true loves expression, you have a classic movie in the making. You also have that love expressing itself in ways special and magical.This film is an onscreen adaptation of the popular work by the Mexican novelist Laura Esquivel. It tells the magical realism love story of Tita and Pedro. Theyre forbidden to marry because Tita, the youngest of the siblings, is relegated to the duty of caring for her mother. Pedro is instead given the hand of Rosaura, the elder daughter. Pedro agrees to this, just so he can stay close to Tita.A setup like this? You can expect the simmering tension to come to a boilâ€"which it does, in a fantastic fashion.Remember what I said about context? Como agua para chocolate is a rich source of Spanish vocabulary, full of word fami lies that pertain to food, tradition, family, history and, of course, love. You can milk this movie for the wealth of Spanish nouns, verbs and adjectives in its lines and dialogues. Also, if you wanna peek at a dated kind of Mexican Spanish that existed at the turn of the century, this will be a good sampling.Japanese-language Movies10.  ?????? (13 Assassins, 2010)12 samurais and one scavenger are tasked with putting an end to the evil reign of Lord Matsudaira Naritsugu, the shoguns half-brother, who tortures and kills his own people. The hired band of warriors set a nice trap for the evil lord and around 70 of his fiercely loyal bodyguards. Unfortunately, the plot is discovered, the 13 assassins find themselves being ambushed and they narrowly escape. And to make matters worse, they find out that the contingent theyre now facing has ballooned to some 200 well-trained guards, making the suicide mission that much more impossible.Besides the traditional dress, symbolism and general ca rnage splattered all over the screen, there are really crisp dialogues in this movie for language learners. The lines are simple and perfect for the beginner-to-intermediate student of the Japanese language.See this movie and learn not only to love samurai honor, but a good dose of Japanese as well.11.  ?????? (Cold Fish, 2010)All that glitters is not gold.I dare not spoil this one for you so thats all Im gonna say about this psychological thriller inspired by true events. That, and perhaps a warning that this is not a film for the faint-hearted.For the language learner, this is another film with really simple Japanese dialogues but with more contemporary speech than the previous film. The language has that natural cadence thats occasionally peppered with the starts and stops of normal Japanese conversation. This movie is a good study on how language, tone and gesture create a character. (In this case, a very bad character.)12.  Linda Linda Linda (2005)Three high school girls only h ave three days before their schools cultural festival and they have no vocalist in sight!What would you do?Well, these ladies ask the first girl they see coming down the stairsâ€"who happens to be a Korean exchange student whos really not fluent in Japanese. They ask her if she wants to sing for their band, and she blankly says yes, responding affirmatively to every question and not really knowing what shes getting herself into.This movie is one of friendship and bonds, showing that under the skin and beyond inscrutable accents, were all the same. We fall in love, get hurt and stand back up. Theres even a cute scene where a high school boy professes his love for Son, the Korean exchange student, by learning lines in Korean (he has a cheat sheet!).The film is perfect for the language learner whos afraid to get into embarrassing or compromising situations. It will nudge you to jump in, risk being embarrassed and feel like a fish out of water by showing you that in the end, everything will be alright.Chinese-language Movies13.  ?????? (Not One Less, 1999)This one is set to tug on your heartstrings.Wei Minzhi is a 13-year-old teacher who comes to Shuiquan to substitute for the villages only teacher, wholl be gone for a whole month. Wei, who has the most rudimentary education, is instructed to ration chalk because the village is so poor it cannot afford to waste it. Shes also warned that students have been dropping out of school as of late in order to find work in the cities. Shes told that if all 28 of her wards remain when the teacher comes back, she will get a 10 yuan (about $1.50) bonus.Guess what happens?One of her students suddenly goes missingâ€"supposedly to work in a nearby city. Wei is motivated to go after the boy and get him back to class. But because she doesnt have enough money for the bus ride, she has to walk most of the way.She reaches the city, but how will she find him in a city of so many people? Will she be able to get him back?Find out by watc hing this film that won the Venice Film Festivals Golden Lion Award.The movie features young native speakers learning their first language. Second language learners could do well to remind themselves that even native speakers attend classes. Even they learn one day at a time. Even they walk up to the board to practice their mother tongue. We need to remind ourselves this so that when we come across fluent native speakers, well remember the amount of time and practice they invested to get to that point and be inspired by our own possibilities.14.  ???? (Dangerous Liaisons, 2012)Youve probably guessed that this is the Chinese adaptation of Pierre Choderlos de Laclos novel of the same name. Its Cruel Intentions but with Zhang Ziyi in the role of the immaculate victim.Set in 1930s Shanghai, as the Japanese were making incursions into Manchuria, Dangerous Liaisons is about the wager between Mo Jieyu  and serial seducer Xie Yifan. Can the great Xie Yifan seduce a young widow from Manchuri a (Zhang Ziyi) without falling in love with her?Ego and desire gets the better of the man (as it always does) and he agrees to seduce for sport, not knowing that the object of his seductions is, unlike any other, immune to his charms. Xie Yifan, on the other hand, is falling for the virtuous widowâ€"something he only admits when its tragically too late.Although set in the mesmerizing 1930s, the language used is surprisingly very contemporary. Youll not be treated at all to heavy doses of dated Chinese expressions in this movie. Dangerous Liaisons features easy language and dialogues that might as well be spoken in todays China. This movie is time well spent for the Chinese language learner.15.  ???????  (Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?, 2013)Our last movie is a dramedy about a man, married for nine years, experiencing a homosexual midlife crisis.Weichung, played by the singer-actor Richie Jen, is an optometrist who lives a quiet and laidback life with wife Feng (Mavis Fan). One day at work, during a glasses fitting, he stares into the soulful eyes of a handsome flight attendant. It stirs long-repressed yearnings he has yet to come to terms with. And all this while his beautiful wife is wanting to have another baby.How will a father deal? Will his self-denial finally come to an end? Find out.This film  is perfect for the Chinese language learner because most of the characters enunciate their lines relatively well. The dialogues are clearly delivered and the conversations are eminently  audible. This is because the pace of speaking is just right. Its just right so  that the subtitle-reading, Chinese-learning viewer will still be able to follow and make out whats being said.That rounds out our 15 best foreign movies for the language learner.Im sure you can add to this list on your own. No matter what language youre learning,  I encourage you to open your eyes, ears  and mind to foreign movies.Theyll take you places and offer you insights, perspectives and langua ge you most definitely wont get by viewing your regular native-language fare.So get those pajamas and snacks ready!Learning begins in 5…4…3…2…1 (cue studio intro).

Thursday, March 5, 2020

miniMinds English Learning Centre

miniMinds English Learning Centre miniMinds English Learning Centre Founded in 2006, miniMinds is an after-school English learning Centre located in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Our courses are designed for children from pre-nursery to lower secondary levels, ranging from phonics, conversation, reading, creative and formal writing. We strive to deliver our courses in a fun and effective way as we believe in the simple idea that children learn best when they love to learn. At miniMinds, we are passionate about what we do and we believe the importance of instilling confidence, increasing motivation and inspiring learning in every child and in our teaching team too. We have a diverse team of over 25teachers from around the world, with one thing in common the dedication to provide quality education to children in a vibrant nurturing environment, and to continue to learn alongside with the little ones too! We are looking for passionate teachers who are creative, fun, energetic, and enjoy a team-oriented environment that cares about excellence in teaching and professional development. We offer an attractive package with bonus, medical benefits and opportunities for training and career promotion. Compensation is commensurable with experience and qualification. View our Brochure

Whats the Best Time of Day to Learn a Language Picking the Right Schedule for You

Whats the Best Time of Day to Learn a Language Picking the Right Schedule for You Whats the Best Time of Day to Learn a Language? Picking the Right Schedule for You Are you an early bird or a night owl?Do you jump out of bed bright and alert, or do you get moving after the sun is way up and all the coffee has kicked in?Everyone works, thinks and learns differently, even when it comes to the time of day that were at our best. Its no different for language learners.And with the amount of memorization, practice and communication we need to master our target language, it only makes sense to try and get the most out of every minute we spend studying.This article will show you some of the benefits of studying in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.Then well help you weigh those benefits against your own learning style so you can select the right schedule for you. Rise and Shine: The Benefits of Morning StudyingYou may learn more efficiently.One study suggests  that morning might be the most productive time to learn. While the study doesnt explore possible causes of this increased productivity, it does indicate that it can lead to more e fficient learning.Since studying more efficiently can help language learners save time, reduce stress and, ultimately, get fluent faster, this is a very valuable benefit.Natural light is easier on the eyes.Artificial light can lead to eye strain, so taking advantage of daylight is beneficial. After all, reducing discomfort like this can help make it easier to read textbooks, study vocabulary lists or do reading practice without having to take breaks.Youre more likely to be able to study with others or reach out for help.Language learning is often a social endeavor. Talking to others can provide helpful speaking practice or help you clear up any issues you find challenging. If you study in the morning, you might be able to reach out immediately. If not, you still have the rest of the day open to try to get in touch.This could be especially relevant if youre trying to coordinate some conversation practice with native speakers in a different time zone, depending on where youre both loc ated.Youre better rested.Capitalize on your nights sleep! Without a whole day of work, chores or general stress behind you, morning studying can be great for language learning focus.  If you happen to be a morning person, you might even be more alert.Post-lunch Crunch: The Benefits of Afternoon StudyingYou may support long-term retention.One study notes  that afternoon learning may improve long-term memory recall. Of course, language learning requires significant long-term retention of everything from vocabulary words to conjugation rules and more, so this could be important for many learners.You arent overly tired yet.Since its not yet terribly late in the day, you probably still have some energy. In language learning, some studying tasks can seem tedious, so its important that you have enough energy to maintain your focus. Studying in the afternoon should still allow for this.Midnight Oil: The Benefits of Evening StudyingThere may be fewer distractions.Since the evening is general ly you time, you might be in a better position to minimize distractions. Having fewer distractions can lead to improved focus, allowing you to engage more fully in your language study.It may improve retention.Research has shown  that studying before bed can help you better remember what youve learned. In this study, participants memorized word sets. The study ultimately found that participants who studied just before sleeping remembered the word sets better.Therefore, studying vocabulary before bed might be a useful way to memorize words more effectively.Whats the Best Time of Day to Learn a Language? Picking the Right Schedule for You1. Experiment with different times to see what works best for you.If you havent noticed, theres research to support that any time of day is the best time to learn. Believe it or not, researchers have also found  that the best time of day to study is specific to the individual. Especially since learning a language is a complex task with various factors, you need to do what works for you.Everyone learns differently, so try to schedule your studying for when you learn best.The only way to know what works best for you is to experiment with studying at different times of day. What feels best? What seems to yield the most results? What makes you feel the best about your language skills?2. Try studying different topics at different times of day.As you experiment with studying at different times, you should also try studying different topics at different times of day. You may learn different topics more effectively depending on the time.For instance, since one study shows improved retention of word sets for evening study, you might want to try studying vocabulary before bed to see if you remember more the next day. Since another study suggests increased productivity in the morning, this might be a good time to hammer away at some of the nitty-gritty grammar rules that you struggle with.Additionally, soft natural light might make morning an ideal time for reading practice since it will be easier on your eyes.You can use whatever logic makes sense to you, but over time, you might notice that you prefer to focus on different topics at different times of day.3. Try breaking your studying into short bursts throughout the day.Another trick you might want to try is breaking your studying into short bursts at various times. Studying a language can start to feel repetitive, so you might tune out if you try to study for too long in one stretch. However, if you break your studying into shorter chunks, you might have better focus.For instance, maybe you want to learn 20 vocabulary words. You might set aside 40 minutes to try to memorize them, but by the end, youll probably be much less focused.However, if you dedicate just two minutes to each word and stagger memorizing them throughout the day, youll probably have an easier time focusing on each word.4. Set a schedule.Once youve experimented with what time of day works best fo r you, its helpful to set a schedule.  Studying at the same time each day will help ensure you consistently remember to do it. After all, it becomes a part of your daily routine.For instance, if you get used to reading a chapter in your favorite textbook each day at 4 p.m., youll always remember to do it.Without a routine, its very possible that youll have every intention of studying but youll simply forget.5. Take into account the task at hand.When deciding what time of day to study, its also important to take the task at hand into account. After all, it may directly point toward or away from certain times of day.For instance, if youre busy, you might cram listening practice into your commute. If youre doing speaking practice, you might not want to do it when people you live with are sleeping to avoid their wrath.Considering your lifestyle and the task at hand will help you find the right time for you.6. Remember that more language exposure is better.Some times of day may be less e ffective than others for studying a language, but exposure to the language is still incredibly valuable. The more you interact with a language by studying it, using it, reading it or simply hearing it, the less foreign that language will seem.Because of this, theres no wrong time of day to study. Even if you dont remember what you attempted to learn, the very act of exposing yourself to the language is beneficial.While there are a lot of factors to consider when learning a language, choosing the right time of day doesnt have to be a hard one.Keeping all the benefits in mind, choose whatever time works best for you! And One More ThingNo matter what time of day you learn languages, youll love using FluentU to get the job done. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercia ls and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Good News, Sleepyhead! You Might Be Able to Learn a Language While You Sleep!

Good News, Sleepyhead! You Might Be Able to Learn a Language While You Sleep! Good News, Sleepyhead! You Might Be Able to Learn a Language While You Sleep! Sleep.Its a time to relax.Its a time to recharge.Its a time to dream about showing up in your high school math class wearing nothing but an octopus and a smile.But can it also be a time to learn a language?Well, the brain is a weird thing, and a lot of mystery still surrounds both sleep and the learning process. In spite of hundreds of years of study, there are still a lot of questions left unanswered.If youre looking to  learn a new language fast or make your brain learn faster, chances are youve fantasized about learning in your sleep. On the surface, it seems like an easy way to learn a  language more efficientlyâ€"if it actually works, that is.The premise of sleep learning relies heavily on audio resources like audio programs for language learning  and  audio language courses. After all, youre certainly unlikely to read or write in your sleep, and if you practice speaking a foreign language while youre sleeping, youll probably just wake up and annoy everyone else in the house. So listening it is.But the question remains: can you really learn a language in your sleep? Well examine that question in more depth, consider the benefits of attempting sleep learning and share some sleep learning resources. Good News, Sleepyhead! You Might Be Able to Learn a Language While You Sleep!The Controversy Surrounding Sleep LearningThe idea of sleep learning, also called hypnopedia, first became popular in the early 20th century and really took off with Soviet studies of the field in the 1960s.In fact, a  1965 study  suggested that it could be possible to learn during sleep and noted that language learning could be one possible application.Nowadays, however, the idea of sleep learning is much more contested. Sleep learning is frequently considered a pseudoscience since theres insufficient evidence to support that it works. While sleep is clearly linked to learning, learning in your sleep may or may not be possible.A study published in Nature  clarifies that sleep is impor tant for memory consolidation and is therefore useful for language learning. A study from the International Journal of Psychophysiology  also indicates a correlation between efficient language learning and quality sleep. Needless to say, if youre learning a language or doing anything else thats mentally taxing, you need your sleep.Perhaps the best recent evidence that you might be able to improve your language skills by listening in your sleep comes from a Swiss study  in which students were asked to listen to new vocabulary words in a foreign language. Half the group then went to sleep while the words were played back. The other half stayed awake and listened to the words. The group that slept remembered more of the vocabulary words. Its difficult to say if these results are indicative of actual sleep learning, the ability of sleep to solidify recent learning or just the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation, but it certainly is an interesting study to take into consideration.In summation, the verdict is still out on whether sleep learning is possible. But regardless of the existing research, its still worth a try for a few key reasons.Why Try Learning a Language While You Sleep?One of the best reasons to try learning a language while you sleep is that you wont be wasting time. Even if you learn nothing, you would have been sleeping regardless, so you wont have wasted any valuable time that you could have used for something else.Additionally, sleep learning might improve vocabulary retention. While the science isnt there to support this yet, some studies do hint at the possibility. Any little leg up helps! This is all the more reason to use sleep learning as a supplement to a language learning resource like FluentU. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, news, vlogs and moreâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons that can make for relaxing, pre-bedtime vocabulary enhancers.Finally, exposure to your target language is ben eficial. Even if you dont learn anything in your sleep, you might wake up for a few minutes during the night and make the most of those moments by learning more vocabulary or improving your pronunciation.4 Resources to Learn a Language While You Sleep1. Eko LanguagesEko Languages is a YouTube channel that focuses primarily on helping people learn world languages. Videos include general lessons like vocabulary lists and pronunciation guides, but there are also a number of sleep learning videos.Each video uses a tranquil tone that will help ease you into slumber. Then, a word is spoken in English and repeated three times in the target language. If you happen to be staring at your screen, youll also see the word appear in both English and your target language. Videos focus primarily on common words and phrases.Language lessons available for aspiring sleep learners cover Chinese,  French,  German, Hindi, Italian,  Russian  and  Spanish.There are also sleep learning videos to teach Engli sh to native speakers of a variety of languages.Additionally, there are sleep learning videos to help Spanish speakers learn  German, Italian,  Russian  and more.Finally, while theyre not marketed as sleep learning, their videos that contain a lot of vocabulary may also work well for sleep learning since the main focus is listening.2. Sleep LearningSleep Learning is a YouTube channel dedicated to (you guessed it) sleep learning.There are general education topics to help you learn things like the periodic table  and world capitals, but lets face facts: the language learning videos are the real highlight.And there are plenty of language learning options! There are multi-video playlists to help you learn English, French, Japanese and Spanish. There are also single videos for German, Italian, Korean and Portuguese.In each language video, a phrase is spoken in English and then repeated three times in the target language. Meanwhile, the video shows a scenic picture of a place where the ta rget language is spoken.3. Sleep LearningThis name might seem familiar. Theres a good reason for that: its the exact same name as the previous resource on this list. However, its an entirely different resource offering entirely different options.This Sleep Learning offers purchasable sleep learning CDs and MP3 downloads. It makes the ambitious claim that it can help you learn a new language in 30 days. To do this, the programs aim to teach you foreign language sounds and words until you can put them together into sentences. The goal of each program is to teach you the 850 most common words in your target language, equipping you with the most essential vocabulary.It also offers programs to teach English speakers over 50 languages, including common ones like Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish and more. However, sleep learning programs are also available for less common languages like Basque, Galician, Hmong, Khmer, Macedonian, Marathi, Yiddish and more.Sleep Learning a lso offers English language learning programs for speakers of over 50 languages.4. SleepyLanguagesSleepyLanguages offers apps that aim to help you memorize vocabulary in your sleep.Unlike many programs, SleepyLanguages doesnt focus on just playing words while you sleep. Instead, it encourages you to study vocabulary with the app for just three minutes a day. Then, the words you studied are played back to you during the night to reinforce the material. Since the program does include some study, your language skills are likely to improve whether or not the sleep learning aspect helps you, so this is a good option for skeptical learners interested in dabbling in sleep learning without making the full leap.Daily lessons and exams will also help keep you moving forward in your language learning journey.SleepyLanguages offers 11 language options including Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.Whether or not sleep learning actu ally works, it couldnt hurt to give it a try. Maybe youll at least have cool foreign language dreamsâ€"as long as there are no octopuses involved! And One More ThingLooking for other relaxing ways to learn languages? Then youll love learning with FluentU!FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Videos with Interactive CaptionsUnder the Vocab and Dialogue tabs, youll find words and ph rases from the video and a complete interactive transcript.Interactive Transcripts on FluentUYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs Quiz Mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website  with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes  or  Google Play  store.

Find Out How An Organic Chemistry Tutor Helps You Learn Chemistry

Find Out How An Organic Chemistry Tutor Helps You Learn ChemistryOrganic chemistry tutors can help you along the way of your training if you are having difficulties learning a new chemical formula. There are several problems that could be the cause of your problems in learning chemistry and these problems could be from lack of knowledge or understanding of this subject.If you want to be able to learn a chemical formula properly, then you need to know a number of things about the subject first. You need to know about the name of the element that you are looking for and some other important things about it. You also need to know what element you are looking for so that you can find out if there is any similar formula that you have heard of before.The chemistry book that you will need to learn about the chemical formula will contain all the information that you will need in order to learn this. You need to find a book that has been edited by an expert in the field of organic chemistry a nd he or she will provide you with the best information that you could possibly get in your lifetime. You need to be well prepared when you are going to take up this subject as it will take quite a long time to master it and this is one of the major reasons why many people fail to learn this subject.It is not advisable for you to ask a complete stranger who has just recently gone through organic chemistry tutor training to teach you how to learn this subject because this is something that requires a great deal of time and energy. You need to find someone who has been through this for quite some time and knows the different approaches that are available to you and will be able to explain them to you in a very interesting way.If you are the kind of person who likes to receive a lot of attention, then you need to look for a person who would love to talk to you all the time in order to make sure that you are not embarrassed when you are doing your chemistry studies. Your instructor will know how to make you feel comfortable and he or she will do all the necessary things to make sure that you can master this subject.In order to develop this subject properly, you need to be patient and allow this to be taught to you in the same way that a normal person would learn it. Organic chemistry tutor training is definitely something that you need to consider if you are not very much into this subject or not very good at it.A GAUSS organic chemistry tutor will definitely be the answer for you when you need to learn chemistry well and you need to make sure that you get all the information that you need in order to master this subject. If you are planning to learn chemistry, then you need to make sure that you get yourself a GAUSS organic chemistry tutor.